Lost & Found Music Studios Wikia
Leia season 1 episode 1 quote "I'm really confused."
This article is about the version of "Now Is Our Time" that is performed by Maggie. You may be looking for the other versions of "Now Is Our Time."
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"You don't need a licence to be awesome."/This article is a formerly featured article. "Do you even go here?"/"...No..."/This article contains information about the show, The Next Step. Links to the wiki we are in collaboration with (The Next Step Wikia) may be included on this article.

"Now Is Our Time (Acoustic)" is the song that Maggie uses for her Lost & Found audition.[1]


Let go of all your worry
I'll free you from your past
Time moves in a hurry
So, count the seconds, fast

What are we waiting for?
The time is ours

Now is our time
Now is our time
Now is our time
Now is our time

If you can find some courage
To lead you down the path
And if fate can make it happen
What could make this last?

What are we waiting for?
The time is ours

Now is our time
Now is our time
Now is our time
Our time
Now is our time

Episode used in[]


External links[]


  1. "Heart & Soul." Wikia. Retrieved on July 9, 2016.
  2. "How Deep Is Your Love." Wikia. Retrieved on October 8, 2016.